09 Aug 2005
Arriva and trade union give employees space to learn!

A newly opened Learning Centre based at Arriva North East'sJesmond depot is set to give all employees support with life skillssuch as English and maths, a chance to learn computing skills, or anew language and opportunities to try many other LearnDirectcourses.
The Transport and General Workers' Union secured the funding toopen a learning centre giving drivers, engineers, supervisors andother Arriva employees the opportunity to learn new skills and gainqualifications. The centre will be open from 9am to 5pm, Monday toSaturdays
Employees can choose to learn for their professional developmentat work, to support hobbies or help children with homework, or togain new qualifications and skills.
Marjorie Haynes, human resources manager for Arriva North East, explains:
We recognise the benefits of offering employeestraining and are delighted to be working with the trade union,Newcastle College, and our employees to bring new opportunitiesfor learning to everyone at Arriva North East.
Barney McGill, Northern TUC learning services co-ordinator, added:
Having worked with the TGWU and Arriva staff andmanagement from the outset of their project, it gives me greatpleasure to see all of the hard work put in so far come to fruitionwith the opening of their on-site Learning Centre. Both the centreand the dedicated Union Learning Reps will open up a whole newworld of opportunity for all of the staff, and really embed apositive learning culture at Arriva.
Note to editors
The following picture of Arriva learning reps examining the newcomputers in the centre is available electronically from KateFlint.